I'm building a porch that has sucked the life out of me as it is mortise and tenon. Who really would be dumb enough to do this by hand.....
It is built with the interior of my former barn, 6x6 posts and 2x6 rails all old growth Douglas Fir. A pain to chisel as it tends to splinter ( it is over 100 yrs old though) but the cream like color is just amazing.
Imperfections allowed to stay, even the 6x's are not really that square, but with the nail holes and all I still like it.

At the left is the flooring, as it goes down as a test. The side rail not complete yet, I just had to see what the redwood I reclaimed over two years ago an milled and stored would look like. I think it is a fine mix, and it was a common mix in N. Cal for many years. The flooring is from the late 70's so it does not have the total chocolate brown that can be found in great old redwood. It is still in progress, I am using an Alaskan mill tomorrow on some oak in the event that I use them for the step in the house and just maybe the steps up to ( just not sure how the weather will treat them)
This looks awesome. When you get a better camera you should take close up shots. Our houses look kinda similar. I'm looking to make a front porch gate.
Any updates???
Sweet! Love the wood projects. I built an oak table last year - my first. Hope you are well! How does one contact you?
- LZ
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