I recently picked up an old jointer, it is 3 phase and has a converter that came with it. I actually used this to flatten some 14" wide redwood I had bought from an old cask outside of Stockton a few years ago, but the owner was moving to Arizona and taking little with him do I purchased this even though I
have no space at my house for it.
I researched this a bit and found it was part of a multi machine that once had a bandsaw, table saw attached. It cuts extremely well and has an extra wide bed 20+ as it also can house a shaper head on the outfeed bed.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Inca 710 band saw with spacer block
I've been a bit sick over the last year which has kept me from doing any significant wood work. But after the long process of tests and treatments given by UCDavis doctors I have come something like full circle.
With good things come sometimes more good things. I found an inca 710 with nearly no use, extension rails new, new additional extension tables ( in original bags) 9 blades new stuff all over. The owner didn't know how any of it really worked except the standard fence I guess. It has the 2" riser block taking resaw capabilities to 10", and which requires 9 ft long blades. I ordered the woodslicer blades from highland hardware that are 3/4". I use the 1/2" woodslicer on my inca 340, and I can make veneers it cuts so nice. Hoping to rearrange a smaller room that houses my laundry and my water heater, which can be used as a workspace for the winter, until I turn it into another bedroom, a new bathroom or an office.
The photos are of me cutting a western red cedar round that was in a pile of oak firewood so I jointed and face then edge and resawed a bit with a crappy blade I had, but even this cut pretty sweet. I'm using the stock rip fence that must be 2" tall on a 9+" thick piece and it cuts surprisingly easy and straight...
I don't have much room at my house for all my incas so I'm looking at what's going to have to go, likely at least a 340, and now I think I can get away with selling the 259 table saw as well.
The 150 table saw I have is so nice and compact that I can use it for model making and kumiko on shoji screens and it is housed in a 10x 12 shed anyhow. But I may part with some accessories in the near future so look out....
Gearing up for a few projects indoors, shoji screens, maybe a few sliding shoji doors, and I'll be learning how to put up American clay walls in December to add to my kitchen and maybe other walls
I also just picked up the iPhone blogger application so I should be able to get some posts up in a more reasonable time these days.
Glad to be back
With good things come sometimes more good things. I found an inca 710 with nearly no use, extension rails new, new additional extension tables ( in original bags) 9 blades new stuff all over. The owner didn't know how any of it really worked except the standard fence I guess. It has the 2" riser block taking resaw capabilities to 10", and which requires 9 ft long blades. I ordered the woodslicer blades from highland hardware that are 3/4". I use the 1/2" woodslicer on my inca 340, and I can make veneers it cuts so nice. Hoping to rearrange a smaller room that houses my laundry and my water heater, which can be used as a workspace for the winter, until I turn it into another bedroom, a new bathroom or an office.
The photos are of me cutting a western red cedar round that was in a pile of oak firewood so I jointed and face then edge and resawed a bit with a crappy blade I had, but even this cut pretty sweet. I'm using the stock rip fence that must be 2" tall on a 9+" thick piece and it cuts surprisingly easy and straight...
I don't have much room at my house for all my incas so I'm looking at what's going to have to go, likely at least a 340, and now I think I can get away with selling the 259 table saw as well.
The 150 table saw I have is so nice and compact that I can use it for model making and kumiko on shoji screens and it is housed in a 10x 12 shed anyhow. But I may part with some accessories in the near future so look out....
Gearing up for a few projects indoors, shoji screens, maybe a few sliding shoji doors, and I'll be learning how to put up American clay walls in December to add to my kitchen and maybe other walls
I also just picked up the iPhone blogger application so I should be able to get some posts up in a more reasonable time these days.
Glad to be back
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