Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Inca 150 table saw

I added an INCA 150 table saw to the family of INCA machines I currently own.  I now have the INCA 150, the 259 table saw with mortiser, the 510 and 420 jointers and the 34o band saw.  

I added link belt in place of the regular v belt and I cleaned the saw up a bit as it was in pieces. The arbor had a bit of a wobble, but there was some debris and an almost paper thin shim that was causing all the problem.  I had decided to have a new arbor made after having a CAD drawing of the part done at an aerospace firm in LA owned by a relative, but lucky me I saved the cost. And now have a great saw for doing small model work.  I may do some tenon work with it now that included in the box of goodies I received with the saw was the missing piece I had from the 259 saw ( they just interchange the top part with the table grooved part on the tenon cutter).  I do have an awful lot of shoji to make and have spent all my downtime getting my INCA's all tuned up and now I have the barn in the prior post that has to come down. 
I also bought a 5/8 saw blade from Sac Machinery a former customer and made a shim for the blade to accept the 15 mm arbor that the INCA has.   
Included was a molding cutter and a bunch of other gadgets.  I have been able to figure out what a lot of them are by referencing the inca machinery handbook that I found off of Amazon, but as it is out of print you have to go through one of the book dealers that Amazon works with.  Well I just checked and it looks like there are none at this time but keep looking it is not a bad book at all.  
Hit me with an email if you have one of these and if you have any tips tricks or just good knowledge for this saw.